Monday, December 31, 2007

Cross 3D room freshener, MOVES!

In yet another piece of evidence on why Dr. John Helt would never have worked out as the called minister of the First Cong. Church of Waukesha, he sends me this! After getting one in his stocking he rushed right out (to "Walgreens, ubiquitous place of Enlightenment" per John) to buy one for me and mine. A Boxing Day gift we shall treasure. And may not open, for fear of reek. I once included with a poem a sealed bag of pigeon droppings from that church steeple with my Christmas card, a few years ago. Keeping it sealed was recommended.

Walgreens now becomes the Alice's Restaurant of 07-08. You CAN get anything you want.....

This item tops the Taiwanese Christian hologram post cards John and I used to buy at Holy Hill.

Thanks, Juan!

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