Monday, March 9, 2009

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

A day for women.
A day for all women
internationally, and across
the galaxy. How come the news
mentioned changing the
clocks, but not our ‘special’ day?
Why are there not poems
piled high on the page?

What about a national
holiday? We have them
for dead men and
dreadful wars, shouldn’t
there be a day off
to celebrate the miracle
of any girl who manages
to stay alive to womanhood?

In case you didn’t know
it’s International Women’s Day
today. And by the way
don’t forget to change
your clocks.

/Boye Nagle

Thanks, Boye,
Here's one publication,
- clock-changing -
who got it
Honor to you
and yours
and to all species
female or male
who make it
in this world,

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