"No," she informed, suppressing hysteria, we speculate.
"Those are the shoulder blades from the bull moose Phil recently (dispatched)."
We thought there was something amiss with the configuration, so we wondered via Email how young that moose was? The answer then came back. 'Shoulder blades!' Who knew?
Oh, the laugh we will be around every moose hunter's garage butcher/chop-shop! Those folks from where it is said you can see Russia from the back steps, and we who in our unlettered carcass ID-ing are not only from the lower 48, we might as well be situated in the southern hemisphere.
These bones have been beautifully cleaned and bleached before shipping off to us. Much appreciated, we think we will use them as shoulder augmentations. One cannot have broad enough features today. But Laurie suggests an art project.
Trader Joe's was new to us. A hot spot in Madison, the store with an intricate space-saving parking ramp specializes in organics and not usually found foods, plus picturesque and ideal produce. Lee carefully chose some healthy items, per his custom.
We got a tin of Altoid chewing gum. Very hot. Very curious. Haven't seen that around here.