Saturday, August 5, 2017

Old friend visits Odd Fellow; I wants to get an Airstream; Album; All that we have is now

A Druid, clair-voyageur, seer
trekked under the blue awning
 waterfall overhanging the Odd Fellow hall entrance
to call on an old friend Wednesday.

This time he brought another gift
beside a half-head of cabbage
from his wife's garden
which was later that very day partaken of
and enjoyed. 

His own offering was a vial ~ or phial ~
his own formula of an essential oil
he uses prior to putting himself down nightly for bed.
A method he uses to zone-out and put
the days care's and business behind him.

A restful mode overcomes him and he then sleeps
His host did not inquire why he had brought
this gift.

Conversation flowed unhindered by 
any solicitations of prayer
yet some divining hand seemed involved
in the spoken zig-zag.

Other gifts have issued from Mystic Mike.
He brought an Escher cardstock solid
to his friend when he was laid-up.

It rests at the top of a basket of get-well cards.

Seen at a dessert table is
the Druid's wife Bev.
She too is kindly, sharing, for example, batches
of rhubarb cakes from her garden:



Album of history

at the Three Brothers
Tom, Wis, David
circa 2014


All that we have is now


Interfaith Power and Light

from Rev. John Helt, ret'd

Religious activismFaith grows greener in the era of Donald Trump

An equal and opposite reaction to the eco-scepticism in the White House

Americans working at the interface between religion and care for the global environment have a new spring in their step these days. The reason is a paradoxical one. Donald Trump’s decision to pull the country out of the Paris accord on climate change has galvanised green-minded congregations, and even those who have not hitherto been especially green, to think harder about what they can do for the planet.