Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our poor battered country

Will we survive the rants of Ann Coulter, John McCain & etc.?

Our perspective here, which spans from World War II to current sewer raccoonage, begs continued circumspection - to look above and beyond, past the errors and stupidities and mires through which we as a country have slogged so many times before, and somehow pulled ourselves from the slime, up and out on the other side. Struggling to walk upright, like peacable and balanced men and women. Like conscientious land animals.

In the continuum of human history, the US is yet wet behind our dirty ears, comparatively young and not-thoroughly-washed, a gun-bearing phenomenon. Some mothers don't want us appearing in public like this. It doesn't help to have lurking snakes and latter day Nazis in our struggling bloodstream.

Yesterday Ms. Vulture penned an astonishing - yes, even for her- diatribe against the cancer-struggling Ted Kennedy, another regular column, a calumny mis-treatise, that the local sneeze, The Waukesha Freeman, had the super-conservative gumption (?) to run.

My ex-sister-in-law thinks Ann Coulter rocks.
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The dottering John McCain continues to breach sense chasms, reaching new lows. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26271658/

Enough said. Maybe MORE than enough said.

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