After today's Waukesha Farmers Market, Dee returned to her reading corner in the former Odd Fellows hall high atop the Putney Building. A fresh bouquet from the Hmong lady decorates the table. Though not shown in this picture, Dee likes to sit in the gold velvet chair and put her feet up on the Bhudda step-ladder's first rung, which she has cushioned with a pillow. From there she can survey the passing scene below if she wants, or settle down with a good book, of which she has many.

Early this morning we left our recently air-conditioned dwelling (see it?) to saunter across the street to the Fox River and the bustling farmers market.

An Amish woman sells her bakery. We did not take a frontal picture of her. We bought some of her apple-sorghum cookies.

This lady had her mascot with her. Some folks have written to the
Sound Off column in the local paper, complaining about the dogs at the market. Some have expressed fear of being bitten or slobbered on.

These well-cared for and leashed little animals probably aren't going to hurt anyone.

A couple taking pictures for an upcoming photo spread at the Waukesha Civic Theatre worked their multiple lenses, shooting many things, stand to stand.

A man departs with his bag of purchases.

Famed local poet, unnamed - so readily is she known - gathers items before returning to the Avalon Square where she now lives. She exclaimed when she saw us,
"Well, as I live and breathe!"
We replied with an affectionate touch to her shoulder, "Yes Barbara, you live AND you breathe!"