Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Duck for Lent?

Grandmother Mary's Lenten Drop-Crullers

The time came today..........

for Grandma Cook's tasty oil-boiled
doughnut holies,
so Denise,
who was fed them and then made these
creations, years
before she came to Waukesha,
took batter and utensils
in hand

and whomped up a batch
for just the two of us
in a small pan - (two cups of oil only)
since we are now empty nesters;

some might accompany her to the Coquillards and then to the church cabinet meeting tonight

but otherwise they will be consumed
at the raccoon headquarters

and relished.

Since the dough-balls are dropped in the boiling oil at just the right temperature, they take on
interesting irregular shapes.

The one held daintily in the top photo resembles
a duck. I ate it in two bites. but not until I photographed
it so it can live forever.

(Above is Denise's mother Jean Means, who was the daughter of Grandmother Mary Cook. The heritage lives through her.)

Happy Fasnacht Day!