Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And now,

Chickadee today

Here's a little something
to bring you cheer.
We have a steady frenzy
going outside this window,
chickadees one after the other
all day long
into the early evening.
I know I've sent
variations of this scene before,
but this little bird appeared
A chickadee like any other,
but he posed through the window
without knowing.
Sometimes when I sit here
typing at the keyboard
if there is a light on next to me,
the birds become slightly more timid
and very watchful
because they can see me
through the window.
But they aren't deterred.
They still come.

That is a very old gourd out there
that I once cut open,
cleaned it out,
and used part of the cut-out
for the curved perch.
I painted it a bright blue.
All that is left of that is what you see.
An interesting weathered effect
that I could never duplicate.
I say I because
some artists could conceive that look and apply it,
but I cannot.
not ever.
