Saturday, May 8, 2010


in downtown Waukesha next to the Fox River,
we attended the first Saturday of the green market year today
and picked up some victuals for a fresh breakfast that we carried a couple of minutes to our new home. Freshly laid eggs and some cranberry-walnut bread, consumed at the again repainted six foot roundtable constructed of simple glued-together 2 x 4s. We were poor.
This time it's pale green, just in time for spring and all the fresh produce we will weekly obtain from local farmers. The scuffed verse in the center still obtains, after 27 years:
"Around this table
ebb and flow
the friends of the Dixes
come and go.
We wish you well,
we love you so
do please come back
and have some mo'!
Around this table
wax and wane
special folks gather,
whether ill or sane;
I'll hold your weight
and bear your pain,
fill your hearts and guts,
make you right again.
But if perchance
a cure's not found
from your ailment
you'll rebound.
At a table
such as this,
your spring's

Dee selects a loaf of bread.

Vendors hawked freshly-found morels.

The route takes us through this former alley, now inlaid with a serious outbreak of cobblestones and simulated gas street lights.
The old painted sign for Friedman's Clothes has even been redone. That business hasn't been there for years. Something else occupies the front space. My father, after WW II and his divorce from my mother, used to live above that store. Now I live just across the street from there.

Life does seem to be circular......