Monday, February 16, 2009


David Geiman

1 year old, Pleasant Valley, Maryland

"prefers" not to wear tux for Uncle John-Edward's up-coming wedding, big* David, his great-uncle, is called upon at Waukesha Sewer Raccoon headquarters to paint him a "Two-zie" in case he won't suit up. Three options are being offered. There are going to be red vests worn by the men of the party, so we did one in case there will be a need. After roughing the vest in, we realized we should stop with what we'd done and let it look as though little David might have colored it himself.

* The euphemism Little David is only that, for this temporarily l-i-t-t-l-e guy has a father who is big Luke, of the Means clan of giants. This shirt will become a collector's item for the future behemoth man, and we will resume being little Uncle David.

Dee flies out Wednesday for the event, and will take the shirt options in her carry-on. The SRN hopes he will wear the rented tux. Will find out later.

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