Friday, July 17, 2009

Camobird jus' fline atcha

Varietal gourd purchased from last year's Waukesha Farmers market comes right at you in the above photo. Painted here at the SRN, the body of the gourd took on all the coloration except for the head naturally, by itself, and resembles camouflage. This is due to the natural weathering and mold that the originally white gourd metamorphized into.

Here the bird seems happy, whereas in the top picture he has a mixed expression, almost ill-meaning. One cannot be sure.

Here the non-plussed creature investigates the anal sphincter of an octo-bird. Like a Rhesus Monkey in that regard, the subject's posterior is colorful and attractive (to an animal). In the gourd's instance the hind region is done in glitter gold, but one can vary that at will.

Another angle.
As the season progresses, gourds may be found at the farmers markets for such decorative endeavors. We highly recommend the gourd stand of the Gourd Guy and Gourd Girl at the Dane County (Madison WI) Farmers Market. Art applications are taught at their gourd farm in Blue Mounds, WI.

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