Friday, July 17, 2009

Valuable House of Koshu Japanese hand-painted figure holds cheap pen

Some have written inquiring if we still engage in hand-written letters.
They are of the group of correspondents who to date do not receive our oft-written
old-fashioned, by hand
missives, frequently sent along with submitted illustrations. Our predilection is for flowing ink on paper, let it be known, along with water colours, pastels &c. Electronic di-dah-dits via this medium, the internet SRN, are merely a postage-saving device.
We have one fine-tip felt-writer that is our currently favorite pen.
It used to be misplaced on the helter-skelter of our all-purpose tabletop, or in nearby
drawers swarming with miscellany that concealed the blue pen,

we realized that the priceless oriental fat-man, Buddha-like, always on the tabletop for emulation, could hold the searched-for pen in a way that would stand out, nicely protruding from the jug that the man carries over his shoulder.

By removing the stopper, the opening is just the right diameter for securing the pen, ever at the ready. This may seem trivial.........

but it isn't.

Note focus sharpness comparison of the two photos.
Lower one is taken with the old Olympus 2 pixel,
while upper close-up is courtesy of the LVD 13.5 pixel P-6000.

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