Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sticks, stones, powdered water capsules may hurt my bones, but

Another entry in the Moleskine tablet, a Christmas gift last year frm Erin. This may not be a timely consumer tip from the raccoon news, for the product may have been out for a year or more. I was introduced to these little capsules of water flavoring at a picnic last summer. The flavors were many. I've tried berry, orange, and lemon aide. I prefer the lemon, and I swill it down here at home with anything. Popcorn, you name it.

You're going to say, "Hey there's Aspertame (and other noxiosities) in that!" At my age I am immune to such concerns, if even founded. Keep it comin'! I've already eaten my bucket of dirt for the year, in addition.......and I may dead soon anyway.

This product comes in a box of 10 capsules at the grocery store, but YOU probably already knew that.