Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hulda and John; Rev.Leroy and Amelapay; Dancing the night away; Distance and a certain light; Raccoon walk

A preacher loves his chicken
Hulda by name
they've appeared here before
see footnote

The loyal mascot patrols the
nicely landscaped double-wide
perusing garden and flower beds
attempting to keep them bug-free
and herself nourished

She has eluded invading predators
(ferrets may be the culprits)
who have divested Hulda of 
her two feathered friends
coop-mates not to be forever

Extra steps have been taken
by the caring husband-man
to double-batten Hulda's hatches
and she continues to
lay eggs, wary, most likely

but feeling safer
and a contributor
a work-mate for John

The minister's fierce brushes with
a sometimes harsh world
  his life long shows in this image
he sent 

And he holds Hulda just as
he has held babies for years
at his altars of baptism.

The kindness possessed
has shown around the eyes.
from a young man, a runner, a
 comforter when we met him
to now.

Adam and John Helt, David Dix, David VandeVusse at Al's Run circa 1982, Milw., WI

John and Hulda start garden, Colgate WI 2012

Bonding, recent


We went out to see Pam
last Saturday a Crossroads restaurant north of Waukesha where she now works part time,
having retired from Dave's at the Five Points after 18 years of good service.

Pam looked good, served us well at a nice new place.

The Reverend is a tool and die maker semi-retired and working part-time as a truck driver
for Peterbuilt.  He has been a friend for many years, and his parents
long ago presented us with Festoon the Fox, a stuffed animal we'd first sold them
but which Eugene, Leroy's father, wanted to give back when Eugene was approaching final exit.

Leroy saw to we that we got it.  We still exchange the Polish greeting, to each other
and toward that distant grave:


The Rev.'s political views and philosophies are not the same as ours but allowances are made
for each other.  Pam's views are also divergent.  Being from Waukesha, we all get along.

Old trick
Hold fish toward the camera
fish look bigger

The Rev. lights a cigar on one of our leisurely strolls along the Fox River.
Cigars are prevalent there.  See below subject we photoed.


up and coming

Mature gentleman sings karaoke-style
in tent in front of spaghetti joint
while children dance 
only slightly self-consciously

- we shoot with only cam we had, the cell -

littler child on left feels the music, itches for action

They've seen grown-ups 

- Garrison Keillor -

Distance and a Certain Light

and a certain light
makes anything artistic—
it doesn't matter what.

From an airplane, all
that rigid splatter of the Bronx
becomes organic, logical
as web or beehive. Chunks

of decayed cars in junkyards,
garbage scows (nimble roaches
on the Harlem), herds of stalled
manure-yellow boxes on twisting reaches

of rails, are punched clean and sharp
as ingots in the ignition of the sun.
Rubbish becomes engaging shape—
you only have to get a bead on it,

the right light filling the corridor
of your view—a gob of spit
under a microscope, fastidious
in structure as a crystal. No contortion

without intention, and nothing ugly.
In any random, sprawling, decomposing thing
is the charming string
of its history—and what it will be next.

"Distance and a Certain Light" by May Swenson, from Collected Poems. © The Library of America, 2013


'Raccoons' walk
around downtown in the evening 7 PM

After a repast at the Cup 
Dee points out as we head to the riverwalk
at Clinton and Broadway that
one can see the rooftop umbrellas 
shielding diners
at Peoples Park restaurant

Have not been up there yet

A feathery shrub graces the beautiful riverwalk........

Dee reaches and examines it's softness

The Kendal Lofts continue to take shape
Walkway closed during construction 
so cut over to Main St.
across from Studebaker garage

A park bench awaited us at Veterans Park
 a good site to rest bones 
 survey the W. Main Street progress.
We'd imagined these buildings
were torn down for the project......

Looks like balconies are being added
  Those are sliding doors we see
The workmen were winding up their day's work  
A fork-lift arranged materials
for the night behind a construction fence

A jogger smiles rounding the bend 
where we sit

Back home,

Dee surprises with a strawberry-rhubarb pie she'd baked
Expression -


A hill of transport
ambos go up and down
night and day
sirens of warning blare
one cannot complain
 last-minute flowers bloom
