Saturday, October 10, 2009

Worth watching (again, if you've seen it)

This morning I clicked on the NY Times per custom and found another video clip of an old Dick Cavett show doing his fourth and final segment of a long interview with actor Richard Burton. This one deals with Burton's drinking problem, and gives his Camelot memorization of the pulling of the sword from the stone, thus realizing his character was to be the rightful king of England.

When I watched this approximately 3o minute segment - attached below - I was displeased that the video ran with some hesitations, but I waited them out and they rectified themselves, and it was worth it. I so much admired Welshman Richard Burton, yet was never fond of Cavett, seeing him as an overly self-effacing interviewer with a too cute smile. But Cavett is tolerable in this, and catching more of Burton's gifted stagecraft, and his heartfelt advice to fellow recovering drinkers ( we have many friends and family members thus afflicted) makes this a more than worthy SRN inclusion.