Thursday, March 13, 2008

torn, tattered

rough winter

The battering winds of winter 2007-08
took bad care of our earth flag;
we had it proudly flying from our highest turret;

I happened to look up
the other day
and saw the damage

Maybe I should not have
flown the flag through thick and thin
day and night

Maybe I should have brought it down
in inclement weather
and folded it safely away

This flag that represented
the whole world
not just some piece of planetary patchwork

Now the least I can do
is glorify it herewith
rather than ring it curtain-like down

I’ll belatedly gather it in my arms
after a memorializing photo op

think of the symbolism
this weather-beaten fabric,
formerly beautiful, tenders;

due to disrespect
like the real world at man’s magnificent disposal
icebergs fall / dry earth cracks / polar bears dwindle

We have the daily news
- not just the sewer raccoon news - to
~~~~~Extra! / Extra! ~~~~~ READ ALL ABOUT IT

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