Sunday, August 23, 2009

You gotta know where they are

Free blackberries

due to kindness of owners

who share their berries widely

Original blackberries, the berry stolen in name only by electronic gadgetry makers, the merry berry that grows in prickly thickets and is sought by hungry people, birds and grizzlies..............and raccoons. They are sweet, juicy, and delicious.

They grow by the millions at a location we are not at liberty to disclose. This well-maintained, immense patch (a misnomer that suggests small) is annually visited by select bucket-laden Waukeshans related to the owners and a group of time-honored friends. Admission is gained up a dead-end country lane. I'm sorry I cannot tell where.

We offer silent thanks as we have blackberries and ice cream, or thick blackberry malts, or eat handsful, fresh-picked, plain.....................