Monday, November 22, 2010

Confectionary church mice

Consummately consumable
definitely non-'UGH' mice
were brought in by Kirsten Dobson.
A whole platter of them joined the many delectables at the annual Christmas Advent workshop held yesterday at the historic First Congregational United Church of Christ, 100 E Broadway, Waukesha WI.
These affairs, to which we've been many times, feature the creation of Christmas crafts following a potluck lunch in the Heritage Room. The food at these potlucks include numerous traditional casseroles, desserts and other delectable specialty fare.
This year, by our eyes, nothing drew more comments, smiles and applause than Kirsten Dobson's church mice, pictured here. She made them with candy kisses, maraschino cherries dipped in chocolate, and sliced almonds for the wee ears. The eyes and nose were applied with a toothpick.
All one had to do was pick it up by the tail and pop it in.
This was indeed a labor of love. It must have taken a lot of time to create so many of them. Our rodential thanks, Kristen!

We brought ours home for photographing before eating,
setting it deservedly on our best china.