Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Langweile ich sie ingesamt?

From Wikipedia

Behaviour/social structure

Young wild boar.

Adult males are usually solitary outside of the breeding season, but females and their offspring (both sub-adult males and females) live in groups called sounders. Sounders typically number around 20 animals, although groups of over 50 have been seen, and will consist of 2 to 3 sows; one of which will be the dominant female. Group structure changes with the coming and going of farrowing females, the migration of maturing males (usually when they reach around 20 months) and the arrival of unrelated sexually active males.

Two wild boars in the snow.

Wild boar are situationallycrepuscular ornocturnal, foraging in early morning and late afternoon or at night, but resting for periods during both night and day.[1]They are omnivorousscavengers, eating almost anything they come across, including grass, nuts, berries, carrion, roots, tubers,refuse,[12] insects and small reptiles. Wild boar in Australia are also known to be predators of young deer and lambs.[13]

If surprised or cornered, a boar (particularly a sow with her piglets) can and will defend itself and its young with intense vigor.[14] The male lowers its head, charges, and then slashes upward with his tusks. The female, whose tusks are not visible, charges with her head up, mouth wide, and bites. Such attacks are not often fatal to humans, but may result in severe trauma, dismemberment, or blood loss.



Bronze letter opener, Germany circa 1945

The letter opener was owned originally by Field Marshal H. Goering.
It is now owned by the raccoon news
and can be seen by app't at
308 South St.