Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sausagemente avec potato et peppier - AVEC CABERNET!

The sewer raccoon calls your attention to the following:

An Odd Fellows re-enactment
of the much enjoyed one-pot dish
of (Perish! NOT Delafield Legion raccoon meat!)
Johnsonville bratwurst sausage
and Russet potatoes,
green and gold peppers from the freezer,

onions from the pantry
- the mesh bag was torn -

and this time around
we ground some chili peppers
in the mortar and pestle,
and while the mix was cooking
we poured in a small bottle of 
(OK, We drank a bit of it.)

This photo above
is from a previous go-round
when we had some red peppers.
This time we didn't,
but the color was suggested
by the ground chilis dried
from last summer's farmers market
and sprinkled freely on the 
 frying concoction.

This picture is clearer than the
top picture
because in the top picture
- last night's -
steam is rising from the kettle
due to 
1.  just having removed the lid
and releasing a cloud;
and 2. 
The chilis contributed
an element of heat
that might have made a lesser man's
eyes water.
Dee wasn't home at the time.

Mais, tres Francais!
Even Miguel Ornelas 
would be proud!