Monday, May 28, 2012


Civil War enactors march in parade
 with sweat-stained hats and flintlocks;

man with dog & child breaks out patriotic t-shirt;

cop chats with friends while remaining alert for coming columns;

Princess of something in convertible, waves;

Drum major for high school band marches parade route
mostly backwards, contrary to below......

Boy mayor in traditional uniform
with lots of spotlight 
- blank pavement fore and aft -
rides his temporal wave 
and figuratively shows Waukesha 
the way ahead.
(Cooperative shadow courtesy of the sun.)

Spectators watch for more exciting things.


Spotted from our Odd Fellows window
on Saturday, 5-26-12


by Parker Palmer

"Hospitality means letting the stranger remain a stranger
while offering acceptance nonetheless.
It means honoring the fact that strangers already have
a relationship - rooted in our common humanity -
without having to build one on intimate interpersonal knowledge,
without having to become friends.
It means valuing the strangeness of the stranger
even letting the stranger speak a language
you cannot speak
or, sing a song you cannot join with -
resisting the temptation to reduce the relation to some
lowest common denominator,
since all language and all music
is already human."

- from The Company of Strangers