Thursday, January 1, 2009


let the world say AMEN

and good morning, to a bright new day!

Google comes up with a fine Jan. 1 design with a zoo theme. and the second viewing on opening the computer is the Huffington Post's series of pictures showing Barack Obama posing for a picture shoot with new babies in Hawaii.

Of those shown, the SRN picks this one as symbolic of where we are as we welcome the first black president of America. Happiness prevails. People display joy and hope for the kind, wise, and learned man. The baby being lifted looks at this strange big guy as if to say, "You wouldn't hurt me, would you?"

The secret service man, now ubiquitous in Obama's life, divorces himself from the goings-on and scans for someone who would harm the president-elect. To him and all his army of protectors we say, "Please, do your job well!"

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