Monday, January 19, 2009

In 2009, more than just "no mail delivery" today

It took a lot of cajoling over time to get the nation on board making a national holiday of Martin Luther King jr.'s birthday. In my little hotbed of conservatism here in Waukesha WI, there were many years of opposition for many invalid reasons.

NOW, at the confluence of President Barack Obama's inauguration, Dr. King's legacy at last comes into its own. Mice may have chewed at the margins of the old poster we've had in the basement cobwebby archives, but we brought it up and scanned part of it that would fit on our small-format scanner. It has been thumbtacked to the stairwell quarter-bath where certain treasures have reposed (see previous SRN postings). See below.

Yesterday's celebration at the Lincoln Memorial saw good old James Taylor holding forth with his guitar and his song, "Shower the People You Love With Love" and we have the link in today's rapid technology:

In testimony of the advancement of appreciation of MLK's birthday, even Google has done a recognition in it's unique way of weaving their logo into a theme:

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