Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clean-up continues

Avian subjects

The rearrangement of goods continues at SRN headquarters. Two more items presented themselves this morning. One is a photocopy we made of the little wallet certificate we received at Waukesha Airport (Spring City Flying Service) in May 1966.

The original little card was blue on a cream background and was a treasure we had kept, thumbtacked for years to the basement bathroom wall on a bulletin board. It is lost, but happiness prevailed at the finding of this copy. So much time has passed since that signal event and we could not easily prove that we even did that, without this card find. Flight instructor Sam James, wonder where he is now?
Those who have soloed know that you never know when the day comes that you will fly alone. Sam just told me to taxi to the hangar after a series of practice landings, exited the Cessna 150 and gave me a thumbs up with the words, "You're ready!"

Another great 'relocation' was the related attached photograph taken of us feeding a chickadee from our chilled hand on a winter day near Pembine WI. This dates back to the early 70's. We've written about this before http://raccoonnews.blogspot.com/2008/12/chickadees-need-lot-of-calories-to-stay.html, but this is still a welcome additional treasure to us. The picture in the link and the one attached were both taken at the same time. We had X-C skiied through some woods and wound up in this fellow's back yard. He was a neighbor and said he would show us how to feed chickadees from our hand. Unforgettable.
As previously said, the feet felt warm on our ungloved hand. The exhaled breath from the tiny nostrils of the beaks came out in two distinct streams.

Note that the bird has a seed in his beak and is flying out of my hand.