Thursday, August 4, 2011

Continuing right along on 8-4-11:

Getting Light

I saw a golden cat as the barely rising sun

Still behind the West Virginia mountains

Made the sky slightly pink and not as blackened

As it was when my walk across the river

An hour ago had just begun

The cat lay on top of a garbage can

In kind of a no-man’s land

Off an alley I was walking

On Wheeling Island hawking

For queer things to expose my film at, and

It was soon after I’d passed an Hibiscus hedge

Following a tenuous crossing

From Wheeling to the island

On a pre-Civil War suspension bridge

An isolated community I so much annually enjoy


I quiver looking down from such a high ledge

Through the swaying gratewalk at the water

Far below

The cat had likely been out all night

A satisfied smile showed just a trace

As maybe full of mice it looked benignly

Upon my out of town face

And we spoke in wow wows kindly

Then he graciously said signly

Take my picture Mr. Man, it’s quite alright

That’s how I read him all the same

So I raised my camera squinting through it taking aim

Got him centered for quick shooting because

He was sitting on his paws so nice and tame

His face turned to glowing phosphorus

I could see it through my finder

I could have not made him blinder

In incandescence he was one loud screeching puss

The mood of our acquaintance turned dreary

And he ricocheted round so bleary

And I knew in an instant I should have used

Available light

Would the cat have sat still for that though

Was something I did not know so

The flash went off and temporarily

So went his pussycat sight

Next year when I go back there

I hope to see his cat hair

Resettled and him once again

At his curmudgeonly ease

I shall pet his golden coif so

He will be ready when I show him the photo

And to his eyes and heart

I might hold the kitty cat keys

I’ll pledge to him in the sternest of stricture

Should I ever again capture his picture

There’ll be no flash in his face

When he says cheese

[DD 2002}