Saturday, March 7, 2009

Uplifting arms

Men, thinking........

Rembrandt's renowned painting of St. Paul, a print of which hangs in our office at the SRN; and Braddock PA mayor, John Fetterman who, by the NY Times article reproduced below, is a serious thinker in his own right, as you will see.

This Feb. 1, 2009 article in our cherished weekly Sunday AM read somehow escaped our notice, so we were glad when "she who must be (though does not insist upon being) obeyed" noticed it as she was preparing to place recycled newspapers beneath the basement cat litter box today, and brought it up to read and then showed it to me.

The story of Braddock PA is a sorry one, but with some hope, thanks in large measure to John Fetterman, 39. This article is a good example of why we read the Times, contrary to the sentiment of some of our righter-winged relatives and friends.

(This reprint is enabled thanks to the new SRN 13.5 digital camera, a gift from our brother, Les. Previously we couldn't have gotten the image sharp enough without cutting the article out and fitting it in pieces on our scanner bed. The directly-photographed sections below are top and bottom of one page.)

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