Monday, June 16, 2008

A Commencement

of Erin Kate Dix
Lawrence University June 15, 2008
Bachelor of Arts
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
The weather was beautiful for the gala ceremony in a big tent pitched on the campus green. The 300 graduating seniors filed in with their flowing gowns from across the campus and down College Avenue (Appleton WI) - parallel to the huge tent pitched on the green - after the faculty in their various colorful and beribboned academic costumes entered the tent and formed a double aisle for the processional of soon-to-be-diploma'd students. An intricate heroic anthem, William Walton's Crown Imperial, was repeated as the proceeding celebrants happily arrived for their moment.
Erin, a conservatory musician with a history major, played for the graduating students in last year's Lawrence Graduation Weekend Band.
Antiquitous formalities were observed. Hats and caps were tipped in respect for the officiates' standings, and the University President, Jill Beck, was addressed each time as "Madam President." WI Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton, a Lawrence graduate, was one of the several inspiring speakers.
All assembled stood for the Recessional, Procession of the Nobles, by Nokolai Rimsky Korsakov.
After Wisconsin's recent siege extremely inclement weather (understatement) it was a blessing to mingle afterwards under a blue sky with the sun shining through fluffy white clouds..
The Sewer Raccoon News was inexpressively delighted to be present, and did so carefully cover the story that there will be a follow-up. At least one................

Modestly heraldric mother of the grad.


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