Monday, June 23, 2008

There's a Mouse In The Church!

The Church Mouse:

There is a relique of a former day that crosses our desk monthly, The Church Mouse. It is the newsletter of the First Congregational UCC Church in Waukesha WI. You've got to belong to get it, but subscriptions may be had for a small consideration.

We say relique, but it is much more than that. The SR News editor is the relique. He has been reading "The Mouse" since the 1940's, and it's been going on even longer than that. In the early days, "The Mouse" was typed and mimeo-ed, and at its earliest it was typed and carboned.

Today The Mouse is run off on computers, by editors Malena and Druid Mike, and the logo has mutated from a real mouse to a computer mouse. It is easy to see how that happened as they both have tales to tell.

Many keep in touch with the Congo, as the church is affectionately known, via their monthly Mouse. Former members are scattered far and wide, but keep up their subscriptions faithfully.

And why not? Connecting the dots is what the Mouse is all about, and in fact, the wife of the SR Editor is at this very moment composing the "Mini-Mouse" which is a page for the children of the church. Connecting dots there takes on a more tangible form for younger minds.

In his lifetime, the SR editor has seen a succession of pastors marching through those pages with their meditations of pith and inspiration.

We won't spoil it for you by discussing the Mouse further. You can get on board through the church website:

Ever so often a REAL mouse, the furry kind, enters the premises, putting mechanical mice to some shame. There may be many real mice, colinies of them, residing in the church furtively, ready to run up pew-sitting women's legs at a moment's notice. The Sewer Raccoon News doesn't know much about them, for it is studying raccoons...........

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