Thursday, June 12, 2008


As of this writing, gourd seeds from a last year's gourd - now fashioned into a chickadee feeder outside the window - germinate in peat pots in this sunny south outlook. This is a replica of sorts of the old feeder hanging outside the work window between the raccoon sewer grate and this computer.

That gourd feeder has been pictured in the SR News, with chickadees feeding at it. It is a popular sunflower heart-filled gourd. The new one pictured has not been noticed yet by the birds, but it will be. The ears will provide waiting perches for those in line. Too small for blue jays and blackbirds, these feeders are the sole property of the the black-caps. (and occasiional finches)

one must be of an age to know what Gordon's Gorgeous Gourd Seeds are

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