Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Our favorite part of The New York Times on Sunday is the Book Review. This Sunday's had a review of a new book by poet Donald Hall, Unpacking the Boxes. We are going to get that and read it. (The review follows.)
It was a great surprise to find this review. We had recently run a poem from Garrison Keillor's anthology, GOOD POEMS, by Hall's late wife - Jane Kenyon - titled "Let Evening Come."
Earlier in the SRN's life we reprinted a poem by Donald Hall titled "Naming of Horses." These are just poems that appealed to us, not that we had any background on the poets at the time.
It will be a sad day, and may it never come, when the printed New York Times ceases to be. Let us savor it for as long as possible!

Another by D.H.:

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