Sunday, November 16, 2008


OK, maybe we were wrong

Dear Sewer Raccoon Editor,

We read your posting on leaf removal yesterday, and we must, pardon the expression, Sound Off about it:

You may've lept to a false “raccoon”clusion regarding the motivation of the angry and vocal newspaper expressionists. One reads in the SRN that your cited complainers about the city leaf removal program are too narrow in the mind to notice that elsewhere the entire sky is falling, live leaves, and falling all around them.

We wish to offer an alternative:

It may well be that the seemingly leaf-obsessed are fully aware of their hell-in-a-hand-basketness, and are flailing out against something, however insignificant, such as leaf removal, pot-holes, and snow-plowing complaints to "small-wise" surmount their otherwise abject powerlessness. Life, they may reason, isn't supposed to be like that in upscale Waukesha.

And sir, your imaginings about raccoons having sentient lives of their own are wacky.

S/ Griping anonymously

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