Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Joe Beringer here. Want to go have some coffee?"

Joe called yesterday.

We met the The Steaming Cup again.

The SRN was hard pressed to decide which was prettier, the random china cups served on the tabletops of laminated Waukesha historic scenes,
Joe's face.

Not just a good face,
a GREAT face, a kind one.
It makes you smile.
Halloween rapidly descends.
Spiders again come to mind.
The Odd Fellows chamber is bedecked with
a Walgreen's artificial web,

.......but the George Love memorial bridge
over the Fox River
has genuine webs
holding up the super-structure.
Just pretend.
The 1800s suspension bridge over the Ohio at Wheeling
sways, has had
spider webs seemingly holding it up too.

We are put in mind of other
spider references we have made: