Thursday, December 18, 2008

Drift-bark Santa

He was washed up
on the beach
at the Audubon center
once upon a time;
Just a piece of flotsam
or jetsom;
but we were looking for
just that sort of thing, so
into the gunny-sack it went
because we knew there was something
hidden in this piece of eroded tree bark;
it wouldn't have
a pointed hat
and a frizzly beard
just through the washing and scrubbing
back and forth
for who knew how long
in Lake Michigan's inexorable waves
at random,
at the whim of nature ........................
But it was summer, so
Santa wasn't on our mind. But,
now, just look, who else was it but
Soon's we got him home
on the workbench
we recognized him!
(Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa, and he could be anywhere!)

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