Sunday, January 27, 2008

Caring parents

well-traveled kit
many miles on it
A group of parents took thirteen confirmands to their toe-dipping into the inner city of Milwaukee Friday and Saturday, for what has become known as the Urban Immersion. The group stayed overnight at Bethel-Bethany UCC after attending the meal program supper at St. Ben's, and then went to an evening service at a street-front church where there was much clapping, singing and demonstrativeness.
They stayed in sleeping bags at Bethel, talked excitedly all night (the kids did), and rose dutifully at 5 AM to trek to The Guest House homeless shelter, where they prepared and served breakfast for about 80 guests. Then they had their own lunch at The African Hut in the 3rd Ward, and finished their excursion with a stop at the Black Holocaust Museum.
Included in all the gear was (what I consider) the famous first aid kit (above), that has traveled to New Orleans and many, many places south, east and west of Waukesha WI. Has it ever gone north? I must ask my wife, who went to the immersion. The kit is symbolic to me of the great care taken for the of the kids, and other travelers. Much earlier put together by former parish nurse Bonnie, this accumulation of meds, ointments and band-aids has gotten around on many mission trips. Lots.

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